1. Analysis of initial material

Perception of any product by potential buyers depends not only on WHAT is offered but in greater extent on HOW this is done.

Advertisement producers mistakenly reckon that sufficient is to simply and plainly reflect their thought in native language and to add a bit of obscure “creativity” and some sort of NLP ideas and everything will go perfectly.

Nonetheless, any text gives its creator away completely while informing, on unconscious level, everything on his state, attitude to his life and job, health etc.

An effective advertising text must possess a number of features in order to be able to charm a customer and implicitly make him accept your offer. These features are, first of all, high level of positive hypnosis (mild coding) and that of energy.

This enables to use the unstable “bifurcation point” (the first information on a product) in order to switch the system to more stable state – the state of customer’s certainty in obvious superiority just of this product and creation of a demand to possess the product by all means).

Since the creation of a perfect charming text is a difficult enough business and experts in this area are not taught so far, we deal with rather mediocre “creations” which are of no serious completion. In addition, just texts of such kind appear to be complete anti-advertisement paid by a customer because they provoke negative emotions inducing either rhythms of the brain.

2. Proposals

We suggest:

Develop overall promotion ideology of the product (image) determining strategy and tactics of sales. This is the best variant enabling to make both product and company recognizable to the limit.

Bring all texts (website contents, letters etc.) to unified “readable” appearance;

In order to independently correct texts, analyze any materials for customers, it is necessary to acquire the computer program entitled “Revelation of suggestive influence of language”;

Our advantage as compared with other advertisement agencies is that we use own patented technologies in the field of suggestive linguistics.

Advertising campaigns;

Investigations in original/economic strategies of advertising influence, of non-traditional advertising techniques (rumors, anti-advertisement etc.);

Development of specific image programs;

Creation of programs for expert examination of advertisement and of text editors intended for advertising specialists;

Training of highly skilled advertising specialists.


Here: Alpha (0,537) Creation

Alpha-plus text: submerges an individual into a state of slackness, meditation; excites intuition, creation; contributes to non-standard communication modes (telepathy, clairvoyance, ability to perceive Signs of Destiny.